Intellectual Property Provisions Under the IT Act

Feb 252025
Ketana Babaria

As the digital world expands quickly, emerging threats to intellectual property rights (IPR) include digital theft, illegal distribution, and digital piracy. An important factor in securing intellectual property in the digital sphere in India is the Information Technology Act, 2000 (IT Act). In this article, we will discuss the significant court rulings, the ways in which the IT Act promotes IPR, how it relates to other IP laws, and suggestions from intellectual property law firms Continue reading...

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Common Legal Mistakes To Avoid Made By The Startup Founders 

Dec 092024
Ketana Babaria

It takes a lot of work and thought to launch a successful business, particularly when it comes to legal concerns. Legal factors should not be disregarded when designing your idea, selecting the best team, and producing a proof of concept. Building a solid legal base is crucial to your company's long-term success which is why selecting the best intellectual property lawyer India becomes very important. There are some common legal mistakes that are made by Continue reading...

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Protecting Creative Works in India Through Copyright Laws

Oct 232023
Ketana Babaria Ketana Babaria

Authors of original works of authorship such as literary works (including computer programmes, tables, compilations, computer databases expressed in words, codes, schemes, or in any other form, including a machine readable medium), dramatic, musical, and artistic works, cinematographic films, and sound recordings are all granted copyright protection under Indian law. In order to claim copyright on your work, you need to contact an Intellectual property lawyer India who knows everything about filing copyright cases.Instead of Continue reading...

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The Importance of Trademark Registration

Oct 092023
Ketana Babaria Ketana Babaria

A trademark is a category of intellectual property that consists of a recognisable symbol, pattern, or phrase that sets one source's goods or services apart from those of other sources. Service marks or brand names are commonly used to describe services. Any person, company, or other legal body may be the owner of a trademark. A trademark may be found on a product's packaging, label, voucher, or firm property. In other words, trademarks are used Continue reading...

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How to Safeguard Your Creative Work with Copyright Protection for Intellectual Property Lawyer India

Aug 282023
Ketana Babaria Ketana Babaria

Copyright protection is a legal privilege granted to the creator of original, creative works. It protects and rewards artwork by preserving the rights of the creators over their works. The protection offered by copyright law to the production of writers, creators, designers etc..Intellectual property lawyer India fosters an environment that is conducive to creativity, inspiring the creator to produce more without worrying about the mishandling of the ownership. The nation's copyright law places limitations on Continue reading...

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The Basics of Intellectual Property Rights in India for Intellectual Property Lawyer India

Aug 142023
Ketana Babaria Ketana Babaria

"Intellectual Capital" has emerged as one of the major wealth generators in the current global trade as a result of the quick globalization and opening up of the Indian economy. The importance of intellectual property rights has considerably increased in India's legal landscape, as seen by recent statutes and judicial rulings. The Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) and the World Trade Organization (the "WTO") were both ratified by India. In Continue reading...

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Everything You Need to Know About Becoming an Intellectual Property Lawyer

May 292023
Ketana Babaria Ketana Babaria

When it comes to the protection of intellectual property, intellectual property lawyer India has vital functions. They take on roles as solicitors who represent clients in court and can also be your consultant, or work for advising clients on issues related to intellectual property. Given that intellectual property law protects such a vast range of work, the fundamental goal of the experts of best ip law firms in India is to safeguard these kinds of Continue reading...

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