Common Trademark Issues Faced by Indian Businesses
Intellectual property rights (IPR) are a growing sector in India, and many entrepreneurs are already registering trademarks to safeguard their companies from infringement by third parties with the help of a good trademark lawyer India. The basis for trademark law in India is the Trademark Act, 1999. Applications for trademark registration have dramatically increased in India in the last few years. Apart from that, registering a trademark is becoming more and more complex. Since the Continue reading...
Trademark Attorney [addtoany]How Important is Trademark Registration in India?
A trademark contributes significantly to the promotion of the items and offers details regarding their calibre. It permits a business to get individual rights for the use, distribution, or assignment of a mark. One way to accomplish this is by registering a trademark with the help of a trademark lawyer India. For entrepreneurs and business owners, India offers an extremely competitive market with a constant influx of new, identical brands and items. In this situation, Continue reading...
Trademark Attorney [addtoany]