How are Claims important in Patent Applications
Your claims are more crucial while getting ready to submit your patent application than your patent search or the kind of patent you're applying for. Your invention's claims submitted by the patent attorney India are what make it unique and determine whether you will receive a patent or have to start again from scratch. If you are wondering what a claim is and why it matters so much, we will explain everything about the importance Continue reading...

Patent Law in India
The Latin verb "patere”, which in English means "to lay open" is where the word "patent" originates. A patent is a privilege granted to the inventor to stop others from creating, using, or selling their invention for a specific period of time. Patents can also be obtained for further development of its original concept. The main reason for supporting patent legislation is to encourage inventors to contribute more to their field by giving their ideas Continue reading...

What is the role of a patent attorney?
Effective patent writing involves a special mix of science, law, and language. A scientific background is necessary for a patent attorney's job in order to fully understand new technologies and communicate them to others. A member of the specialised legal profession known as a "patent attorney" is qualified to advise clients on patents (and typically other intellectual property rights) and to help them obtain patents from patent offices all around the world. Similar to lawyers, Continue reading...

What Are the Objectives of Patent Law?
Patent law serves the vital purpose of promoting innovation and economic growth while also helping to protect creations from unfair infringement. If you're new to patent law, or you’ve been paying close attention but still have questions about its goals and objectives, this post is for you! Here we'll explore what a patent is, the objectives of patent law, and why it's so essential in today’s age of technology and intellectual property. What is patent Continue reading...