Fast-track appeals for patents

Sep 072020
Ketana Babaria Ketana Babaria

Applying for a patent is really a long process which involves considerable time, effort and money. There are a lot of infringements happening in India and across the world on a daily basis where patent owners file for infringements and demand attorney fee while the accused infringers put forward their defence. When you appeal for an infringement, the Patent Attorney in India goes through the application carefully and decides whether the appeal has to be Continue reading...

IP Lawyer   Patent , Patent Infringement [addtoany]

How to protect and acknowledge Intellectual Property Rights

Aug 242020
Ketana Babaria Ketana Babaria

Intellectual Property has gained its popularity in recent times in India while it was there across the world since quite a long time. When businesses started witnessing infringement cases on a regular basis, they finally realised the importance of attaining Intellectual Property Rights and decided to protect their valuable ideas, inventions and artistic pieces and literature works. Taking rights on the Intellectual Property gives the owner the right to go to court, if he thinks Continue reading...

IP Lawyer   Intellectual Property , Patent [addtoany]

Workflow of Patent Licensing

Aug 112020
Ketana Babaria Ketana Babaria

Patent is something which has been in place since several years but has started to gain more acceptance and popularity since the last few years. Since the cases of infringements have grown tremendously in India, even the small and mid-sized businesses have started considering patents to save and protect their ideas. The procedure of applying for patents has gotten simpler with time which is the reason more and more people want to take it. Patent Continue reading...

IP Lawyer   Patent , Patent Infringement [addtoany]

Do’s and Don’ts for BioDiversity Authority before applying for Patent

Jul 272020
Ketana Babaria Ketana Babaria

India has ample biological resources and which is why it is known to the world.Large variety and species of flora and fauna are spread in thousands of acres of land making the land blessed with natural resources. In order to access and regulate the natural resources properly, India implemented Biological Diversity Act 2002 and was put to practice. For people of India and abroad to research on natural resources, produce papers related to researches and Continue reading...

IP Lawyer   Intellectual Property , Patent [addtoany]

Laws pertaining to Personal Data Protection in India

Jun 022020
Ketana Babaria Ketana Babaria

We all would agree to the fact that data is running this world directly or indirectly. Whether they are personal data or the private ones, data is something which is required by all the organisations to function and run. If an organisation is directly related to the public, organising and protecting data in the best way possible is what they must do to successfully run their business. There are certaining laws pertaining to Personal Data Continue reading...

IP Lawyer   Patent [addtoany]

Data scraping and related legal issues in India

May 122020
Ketana Babaria Ketana Babaria

Every business runs from data not only in India but across the world as well. From manufacturers to retailers and purchasers, it is extremely important that there must be data that contains each and every details of everybody involved in a particular business. Even surveys from renowned companies nowadays collect data and manage statistics in order to give their best to the customers in this cut-throat business world. These data can be copyrighted as well Continue reading...

IP Lawyer   Copyrights , Intellectual Property , Patent [addtoany]

Display Screen and software copyright

Apr 292020
Ketana Babaria Ketana Babaria

Copyright is a type of Intellectual Property right that restricts the infringer from a lot of unauthorised activities thus making the life of the creator, safe and free of worries. When it comes to software, taking a copyright on the software motivates the creator to more innovative works not worrying about unauthorised infringements from people or other businesses. In other words, the copyright protects the creativity of a person and gives him ample rights to Continue reading...

IP Lawyer   Intellectual Property , Patent [addtoany]

Is IP Protection of software, comes under patent or a copyright in India?

Apr 132020
Ketana Babaria Ketana Babaria

Is IP Protection of software, comes under patent or a copyright in India? Softwares have become a part of our daily lives. Information Technology is comparatively new in India as compared to other developed countries but India has made the most of it now it has been extensively used everywhere. Businesses in India as well as across the world have started to realise the importance of Intellectual Property as the cases of infringements are increasing Continue reading...

IP Lawyer   Intellectual Property , Patent [addtoany]

Res Judicata on IP – Related Judgements

Jan 202020
Ketana Babaria Ketana Babaria

You must have seen or observed many times in India that there have been many cases which have been given a particular judgement by the lower court and then it is escalated or taken to the higher court if the parties think that judgement was not as per their expectations. Law in India and in most of the countries, gives exclusive rights to the parties to appeal to higher courts if they are not satisfied Continue reading...

IP Lawyer   Intellectual Property , Patent [addtoany]

Protection of Integrated Circuits

Jan 132020
Ketana Babaria Ketana Babaria

Filing for intellectual Property rights is increasing every day in the world keeping in mind the theft and infringements of ideas and products happening. People and businesses have become more aware and do not want to take any risk when it comes to their hard work, money and time. They want to be on the safer side so that they don’t have to regret later. A Patent Attorney in India is the authority to grant Continue reading...

IP Lawyer   Intellectual Property , Patent [addtoany]