Finding the Right Patent Attorney in India for Your Needs

Jul 222024
Ketana Babaria

Needs Working with an experienced and competent patent attorney India is essential when it comes to safeguarding your intellectual property, such as inventions, designs, or developments. A patent attorney is an expert in intellectual property law and can offer crucial advice at every stage of the challenging process of applying for and obtaining a patent. In this article, we'll go over the important things to look for when choosing a patent attorney and explain why Continue reading...

IP Lawyer   Patent attorneys in India [addtoany]

How are Claims important in Patent Applications

Jul 092024
Ketana Babaria

Your claims are more crucial while getting ready to submit your patent application than your patent search or the kind of patent you're applying for. Your invention's claims submitted by the patent attorney India are what make it unique and determine whether you will receive a patent or have to start again from scratch. If you are wondering what a claim is and why it matters so much, we will explain everything about the importance Continue reading...

IP Lawyer   Patent , patent law [addtoany]

Latest Trends in Patent Litigation

Mar 112024
Ketana Babaria Ketana Babaria

In addition to being a profitable market, India has developed into a thriving hub for intellectual property rights in recent years. The legal rules governing intellectual property matters have been forged for a long time and have been progressively evolving over time, despite the fact that enforcement of intellectual property by patent attorney India has only recently been more prevalent. In this article, we will discuss about the emerging trends in patent litigation Patent cases Continue reading...

IP Lawyer   patent law [addtoany]

Patent Law in India

Sep 252023
Ketana Babaria Ketana Babaria

The Latin verb "patere”, which in English means "to lay open" is where the word "patent" originates. A patent is a privilege granted to the inventor to stop others from creating, using, or selling their invention for a specific period of time. Patents can also be obtained for further development of its original concept. The main reason for supporting patent legislation is to encourage inventors to contribute more to their field by giving their ideas Continue reading...

IP Lawyer   patent law [addtoany]

Benefits of Pharmaceutical Patent Attorney

Dec 142020
Ketana Babaria Ketana Babaria

Patents have become an important part of any business whether it is India, the USA or in any other part of the world. Taking Intellectual Property rights such as Patents on your invention gives you satisfaction that your invention cannot be stolen and you are able to focus on other important aspects of your business. Taking patents is a long and tough procedure which requires a lot of time, effort and money but everything is Continue reading...

IP Lawyer   Intellectual Property , Patent [addtoany]

Why is patent search crucial?

Nov 172020
Ketana Babaria Ketana Babaria

Patenting is one of the most important and widely adopted Intellectual Property rights in the market these days. Patent is done so that nobody, an individual or a business can use your invention in an unauthorised manner without your permission. Imagine how much time, money and efforts it requires for you to invent something and how painful it will be if somebody just comes and uses your invention without your consent. In order to avoid Continue reading...

IP Lawyer   Intellectual Property , Patent [addtoany]

Which authority grants patent rights?

Nov 092020
Ketana Babaria Ketana Babaria

Patent is one of the four types of Intellectual Property rights that lets you take legal and lawful rights on your invention through a process after which nobody in India and across the world (if you have taken an international patent) can use your invention without your consent. Obtaining a patent on your invention has many benefits and this is the reason every business applies for the patent as soon as they realise that they Continue reading...

IP Lawyer   Intellectual Property , Patent [addtoany]

What is a patent and what is its importance

Oct 192020
Ketana Babaria Ketana Babaria

Patent is something which has been in place since several years but has started to gain more acceptance and popularity since the last few years. Since the cases of infringements have grown tremendously in India, even the small and mid-sized businesses have started considering patents to save and protect their ideas. The procedure of applying for patents has gotten simpler with time which is the reason more and more people want to take it. Patent Continue reading...

IP Lawyer   Intellectual Property , Patent [addtoany]

Intellectual Property Theft

Oct 062020
Ketana Babaria Ketana Babaria

Obtaining Intellectual Property rights on the inventions have gained a lot of demand in India since the last few years as people have started to realise the importance of their time, money and efforts involved in the inventions they have been doing. It would feel absolutely disgusting and demotivating if somebody uses your invention for their benefit without your knowledge and take away all the credits. Intellectual property rights save your inventions from getting misused Continue reading...

IP Lawyer   Intellectual Property , Patent [addtoany]

Workflow of Patent Licensing

Aug 112020
Ketana Babaria Ketana Babaria

Patent is something which has been in place since several years but has started to gain more acceptance and popularity since the last few years. Since the cases of infringements have grown tremendously in India, even the small and mid-sized businesses have started considering patents to save and protect their ideas. The procedure of applying for patents has gotten simpler with time which is the reason more and more people want to take it. Patent Continue reading...

IP Lawyer   Patent , Patent Infringement [addtoany]