Intellectual Property Theft
Obtaining Intellectual Property rights on the inventions have gained a lot of demand in India since the last few years as people have started to realise the importance of their time, money and efforts involved in the inventions they have been doing. It would feel absolutely disgusting and demotivating if somebody uses your invention for their benefit without your knowledge and take away all the credits. Intellectual property rights save your inventions from getting misused Continue reading...

Tags: Intellectual Property Protection, Intellectual Property Rights, Intellectual Property Theft Cases, Patent Attorney in India,
How to protect and acknowledge Intellectual Property Rights
Intellectual Property has gained its popularity in recent times in India while it was there across the world since quite a long time. When businesses started witnessing infringement cases on a regular basis, they finally realised the importance of attaining Intellectual Property Rights and decided to protect their valuable ideas, inventions and artistic pieces and literature works. Taking rights on the Intellectual Property gives the owner the right to go to court, if he thinks Continue reading...

Tags: intellectual property creation and protection, Intellectual Property Protection, Intellectual Property Rights, Types of Intellectual Property Rights,
IP Protection in International Trade: Need, Factors and Possibilities in Market Place.
Intellectual Property is an exclusive right given to the holder to protect his invention or innovation. It is a creation of an intellect mind for which the holder is assigned dominance in the market. Intellectual Property in mode of Copyright, Patent, Trademark, Geographical Indications, Design, etc. acts as a catalyst in the growth of one’s business. Such superiority in market by the holder, not only boosts his confidence but helps to accelerate the sales of Continue reading...

Tags: Intellectual Property, Intellectual Property Protection,