Intellectual Property Provisions Under the IT Act

Feb 252025
Ketana Babaria

As the digital world expands quickly, emerging threats to intellectual property rights (IPR) include digital theft, illegal distribution, and digital piracy. An important factor in securing intellectual property in the digital sphere in India is the Information Technology Act, 2000 (IT Act). In this article, we will discuss the significant court rulings, the ways in which the IT Act promotes IPR, how it relates to other IP laws, and suggestions from intellectual property law firms Continue reading...

IP Lawyer   Intellectual Property

Tags: best intellectual property law firms in India, Intellectual Property, intellectual property lawyer India,

Protecting Your Intellectual Property in the Age of 3D Printing

Nov 272024
Ketana Babaria

3D printing is the technology to make a tangible item from a digital design file. To make the design file, you either need computer-aided design (CAD) software or an internet database. After that, the design file is sent to the 3D printer, which builds the object layer by layer via additive manufacturing. 3D printing has completely changed the industrial sector as it makes it possible to create intricate and personalized items at a low cost. Continue reading...

IP Lawyer   Intellectual Property

Tags: best intellectual property law firms in India, best ip law firms in India, Intellectual Property,

Do’s and Don’ts for BioDiversity Authority before applying for Patent

Jul 272020
Ketana Babaria Ketana Babaria

India has ample biological resources and which is why it is known to the world.Large variety and species of flora and fauna are spread in thousands of acres of land making the land blessed with natural resources. In order to access and regulate the natural resources properly, India implemented Biological Diversity Act 2002 and was put to practice. For people of India and abroad to research on natural resources, produce papers related to researches and Continue reading...

IP Lawyer   Intellectual Property , Patent

Tags: Intellectual Property, National Biodiversity Authority, Objectives of National Biodiversity Authority, Patent Attorney in India, State Biodiversity Authority,

Res Judicata on IP – Related Judgements

Jan 202020
Ketana Babaria Ketana Babaria

You must have seen or observed many times in India that there have been many cases which have been given a particular judgement by the lower court and then it is escalated or taken to the higher court if the parties think that judgement was not as per their expectations. Law in India and in most of the countries, gives exclusive rights to the parties to appeal to higher courts if they are not satisfied Continue reading...

IP Lawyer   Intellectual Property , Patent

Tags: Intellectual Property, Patent,

Protection of Integrated Circuits

Jan 132020
Ketana Babaria Ketana Babaria

Filing for intellectual Property rights is increasing every day in the world keeping in mind the theft and infringements of ideas and products happening. People and businesses have become more aware and do not want to take any risk when it comes to their hard work, money and time. They want to be on the safer side so that they don’t have to regret later. A Patent Attorney in India is the authority to grant Continue reading...

IP Lawyer   Intellectual Property , Patent

Tags: Intellectual Property, Patent,

Protection of computer software

Jan 062020
Ketana Babaria Ketana Babaria

Filing of Intellectual Property has increased tremendously in the last few decades as the cases of infringements have increased drastically as well as people have become more aware towards such frauds. Businesses have now started to understand the value and need to protect Intellectual Property and have started to consult Patent Attorney in India frequently to understand their rights and the process involved in IP protection. Law is different for acquiring and filing intellectual property Continue reading...

IP Lawyer   Intellectual Property , Patent

Tags: Intellectual Property, Patent,

Harmonization and Patent Laws

Dec 302019
Ketana Babaria Ketana Babaria

The World Intellectual Property Organisation or the WIPO has been thinking for the betterment of the people who apply for patents from across the world. Whether in terms of patent laws or in terms of providing on time access to the people or businesses who file for patents, WIPO has always worked progressively towards issues. One such issue is the unevenness of the patent laws. Different countries have different patent laws and it becomes extremely Continue reading...

IP Lawyer   Intellectual Property , Patent

Tags: Harmonization, Intellectual Property, Patent, Patent laws,

IP Protection in International Trade: Need, Factors and Possibilities in Market Place.

Nov 112019
Ketana Babaria Ketana Babaria

Intellectual Property is an exclusive right given to the holder to protect his invention or innovation. It is a creation of an intellect mind for which the holder is assigned dominance in the market. Intellectual Property in mode of Copyright, Patent, Trademark, Geographical Indications, Design, etc. acts as a catalyst in the growth of one’s business. Such superiority in market by the holder, not only boosts his confidence but helps to accelerate the sales of Continue reading...

IP Lawyer   Intellectual Property , Patent

Tags: Intellectual Property, Intellectual Property Protection,

4 Intellectual Property Myths That You Should Avoid

May 152019
Ketana Babaria Ketana Babaria

When you have a great idea or an invention, it is always advisable to protect it. Protecting your idea may have a huge positive impact on your business provided you proceed in the right direction and be cautious from start till the end. Before you proceed you must hire a competent Patent Attorney In India to take care of all your requirements. The IP lawyer you will hire will make you aware of all the Continue reading...

IP Lawyer   Intellectual Property

Tags: Intellectual Property, Intellectual Property Myths,

Significance Of Intellectual Property In Health Sector

Jan 312019
Ketana Babaria Ketana Babaria

Introduction The growing progress of science and technology is leading us to a more comfortable and tech-savvy future. New technology saves time and energy, new software protect our privacy, and new medicines are saving thousands of lives every day. However, with growing inventions and newer ones in the pipeline, it is integral to safeguard the intellectual property of individuals. We’re all aware of how costly it can be to introduce a new medicine or tablet Continue reading...

IP Lawyer   Intellectual Property

Tags: Intellectual Property, Intellectual Property In Health Sector,