Protecting Creative Works in India Through Copyright Laws
Authors of original works of authorship such as literary works (including computer programmes, tables, compilations, computer databases expressed in words, codes, schemes, or in any other form, including a machine readable medium), dramatic, musical, and artistic works, cinematographic films, and sound recordings are all granted copyright protection under Indian law. In order to claim copyright on your work, you need to contact an Intellectual property lawyer India who knows everything about filing copyright cases.Instead of Continue reading...

How to Safeguard Your Creative Work with Copyright Protection for Intellectual Property Lawyer India
Copyright protection is a legal privilege granted to the creator of original, creative works. It protects and rewards artwork by preserving the rights of the creators over their works. The protection offered by copyright law to the production of writers, creators, designers etc..Intellectual property lawyer India fosters an environment that is conducive to creativity, inspiring the creator to produce more without worrying about the mishandling of the ownership. The nation's copyright law places limitations on Continue reading...

Data scraping and related legal issues in India
Every business runs from data not only in India but across the world as well. From manufacturers to retailers and purchasers, it is extremely important that there must be data that contains each and every details of everybody involved in a particular business. Even surveys from renowned companies nowadays collect data and manage statistics in order to give their best to the customers in this cut-throat business world. These data can be copyrighted as well Continue reading...

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