Patent Attorney in India
Patent registration is filed electronically with provisional or complete specification at Patent office. Patent is not extended after 20 years and it will be in public domain after 20 years. Patent registration is taken care by The Patent Office, Controller General of Patents, Design and Trademark.
We have clients and we offer services in Ahmadabad, Rajkot, Baroda. We have tie-up with patent and trademark registration firms in Mumbai, Delhi and Bangalore.
Types of applications being filed at the patent office.
- Ordinary Application - This application is made without claiming any priority for an invention.
- Convention Application - This application must be filed within 12 months from the date of first application in the convention country.
- PCT Application - This application must be filed within 12 months from the date of first application. This application can give time of further 18 months for selection of countries of national phase application. This selection of countries is limited to the PCT member countries.
- National Phase Application - This is an international application filed after PCT application where Indian application to be filed in other PCT member countries within 30 months of priority date and international application can enter the Indian as National Phase within 31 months from the Priority Date.
Requirements and Procedure for patent Registration
Patent drafting/writing
Babaria represents quality and consistent patent search services prepared for all the clients from India and overseas to get benefit of maximum their returns from the IP.
Patent filing
Babaria involves necessary step to compete with deadlines and provides registered patent agent services to Indian and overseas corporates, Individual inventors and law firms. Babaria proved themselves as a fastest filing reporting for their clients.
Patent examination
Examination report generated by patent offices defines the objection for the applications. All the objections must be clearly made within time limit provided by the patent offices. Babaria takes care for the same for the cases of responsibilities.
Patent prosecution
It is a process of patent attorney service which leads the interaction between an applicant or its representative and a patent office. Patent Office is located in Mumbai, New Delhi, Chennai and Kolkata.
Patent opposition
Opposition can be Pre-grant or Post-grant. In Pre-grant opposition can be filed for grant of patent after the application has been published. In Post-grant opposition can be filed within a period of twelve months after the grant of a patent.
Patent maintenance
It relates with the patent renewal and patent attorney services with its working statements and provides the facility of managing its portfolio. It generates patent information and undertaking foreign applications.
Patent related appeal and litigations
It makes a great appeal at IPAB and in Courts by making patent infringement protection for custom and border. It has a keen observation on submissions and pre-grant and post grant oppositions. It helps in prosecuting and defending civil suits for infringement.
Patent Litigation
Consolidating a strong position by leading a legal action that initiates the bridgeheads into technical areas which understand the intrinsic values of patent as well as the experience of successfully handling patents for domestic and International clients.
Patent related agreements
Various agreements come into its band such as Assignment Agreement, Exclusive License Agreement, Non-Exclusive License Agreement, Confidentiality Agreements Research and Innovation Development Agreement, Licensing and transfer of technology Agreement.
Patent landscaping
Patent landscaping is a type of process of research that provides an overview of the patents that are related to the project. This covers granted as well as pending patent applications.
Prior art search analysis
Patent Analytics stands for the in-depth statistical analysis of patent activity in a particular technology. It creates groups of similar patents by using fielded data.
Patent infringement analysis
Infringement analysis includes certain essential features of the invention; utilizing claimed features;; equivalence; taking part of the invention.
Patent Analytics Outsourcing
Patent Technology, Landscape analysis are helping our client not only to understand the market involving a particular technology but also the latest development involving in technology and gives a tough strengths to its competitors. At Babaria, upon understanding the need of the client according to technology domain provides an exhaustive search and detailed analysis of the documents (patent and non-patent literature) the report is prepared.
Patent Portfolio Analysis
Patent portfolio analysis is conducted for identifying the patents and various patent applications owned by a company. The portfolio included issued patent and published patent application of the countries of interest of the company. We, at Babaria, perform detailed portfolio analysis to provide you complete insight of your portfolio based on your request.
Patent Watch And Alert
The patent watch and alert services can be categorised into technology based watch services or competitor based watch services. The patent watch services can be object oriented to suit your needs. We, at Babaria, provide patent watch search report based on client needs and deliver cost-efficient and quality patent watch and alert services to keep our client’s updated recent developments in the field of interest.
Prior art analysis
Prior art analysis is important to decide the status of the technology. It has been conducted within a specific goal to get closely relevant prior art, patents or published patent applications which are equivalent to the specific technology. At Babaria, we believe that both the concept are having equal value, the context of the search as well as the search methodology. The analysis report cites details of the relevant patent/prior art documents, along with our detailed analysis of the same.
Patentability Check
Patent applications are pulled to cover the inventions automatically.
Documents required for patent filing
Application form should have three copies with complete specification, information and undertaking listing the number, filing date and current status of each foreign patent application, priority document, registered patent attorney and fee in cash/cheque/demand draft.
File Request of Examination
The request for examination fees is based on type of applicant. This is made within 48 months from the date of filing the patent application, along with form and fees.
Examination report by patent office
The first examination report submitted to controller by patent office to the claimed invention to patent applicant.
Reply of examination report
The objections raised by the examiner of patent office to be analyzed with patent professional and creating its response is the best thing.
Attend Hearing (IF)
Hearings decisions are need to be taken within 30 working days from the date of the hearing.
Grant of patent
The grant of patent is notified in the patent journal which is published from time to time. The application would be placed in order for grant, once it is found to be meeting all patentability requirements without opposed by any party during.
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